Club XXL – 2321 Washington St., Vicksburg, MS

Vicksburg Speaks has obtained a small “flyer” advertising a new adult club here in Vicksburg  -Club XXL, located at 2321 Washington Street. City officials apparently have no knowledge of this new establishment. The building at 2321 Washington Street appears innocuous at present. Is the club operating incognito? See the following website for photos of the flyer.

Published in: on June 5, 2008 at 6:08 pm  Comments (83)  

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83 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. And so another immoral “enterprise” has come to town. To amend the late Robert Palmer, it is “simply reprehensible” if the city permits its continued operation. But then the same is true for state sanctioned theft, and that proceeds unabated.

  2. Is the for real?

  3. Googled the address and found this:
    5A’S Plumbing Heating & Cooling. 2321 Washington Street. Vicksburg MS 39180 ?????

  4. Well I think they will be shut down . Just a matter of time, which I hope will not take too long, since the address IS THAT OF A PLUMBING BUSINESS. NOT GOOD!!!!

  5. They are NOT in the historic district.

    They are NOT downtown.

    Do they have permits?

    The building was a furniture store that closed two months ago.

    They have a metal detector at the door.

    “As long as they are not doing anything illegal” let people have a place to club and “do their thing.”

    Baptists dance now.

    People eat and drink in the same establishments in the south now.

    Don’t censor and be biast to YOUR ajenda.

  6. No Z Ro Z. It is not the fact that people should not have a good time. Most of us know that trouble will ensue at a place of business like this. I who live in this area really do not want any trouble. We have had enough!!! The place is not in the historic district but it is just around the corner from the Garden District. Guess we will read about it in the paper!!!

  7. Yes, some people make the news and others just read about it Anne.

    Rev., “immoral enterprise?” When were you last there to know that? Have you bee to the Loft? A casino? A bar in general? A dance? What are they doing there that is immoral? Isn’t that a statement for the law?

  8. in my country they arrest people for organizing a croud

  9. How many of those types of clubs have been shut down over the years after a violent crime, murder has been commited. We do not need this type of business on Washington Street or in town .It only generates more crime to our already growning crime rate here in Vicksburg.I wonder if the mayor or city officials know about this??

  10. What types of clubs?

    What type of business?

    Do you have a teenage son? If so, ask him if he and his friends hang out at the gas station parking lot at the corner of Indiana and I-20 next to KFC. Ask him what they are doing there. Ask the store employees about these teenagers. Ask the police. Check the call log into 911.

    Ask your friends who have teenage sons if their sons know about this “hang out.” Ask them if they know if the kid that have overdosed on drugs hung out there. Ask the parents of the kids that overdosed on drugs if their kids hung out there. Ask the parents if they have tried to do something about it. Ask the gas station if they have tried to do something about it. Ask the police if they have tried to do something about it.


  11. You tell me!!! Looks like from the flyer, they are not all teenagers but adults..It is probably the parents hanging out at the clubs..

  12. I can tell you did not read what I wrote Anne. “Fear of the unknown” is your answer. I suggest you move on to another topic and cause “or” go have fun at XXL tonight. I bet you meet some really nice people.

  13. By the way, the teenage kids who congregate at the corner of Indiana and I-20 are “white” in case you did not catch that part.

  14. How is a business on Washington Street in the Main Street Business District able to sell pornographic material especially when their business is next to a childrens store?

  15. Let the business open and operate. This is America. If it proves to be a problem location it will go away. If it proves to be a profitable business it will flourish and grow.

    Our little town has some biases. Not everyone in this town is a Bible thumper who points at those who aren’t thumping as loud.

    If you want to do something good for your community go into the areas that need help and help. Pointing at the problem will only ensure you stay at least an arms length away from it. Quit talking about it and do something about it.

  16. How do you know it’s not in the historic district? I think it may very well be. In any case, if it isn’t licensed by the City, that’s not a good sign. Is that kind of club legal in Vicksburg? Not being judgmental, just wondering.

  17. We’ve had enough experience with these types of clubs to know that we don’t want another in Vicksburg. It’s doubtful that such a club could operate here anyway. To be open until 4AM, a site here in Vicksburg must have “resort status,” and I sincerely doubt this place has it.

  18. There appears to be some misconceptions about this club. From what I can tell it is a nightclub, not a strip joint. A club can stay open until 4am, with proper licensing. This club must have proper permits if it wishes to open.

    All of the above are legal.

    The Historic District ends at Belmont doesn’t it? That means this location is just outside of the district. Even if it wasn’t it could still open with the proper license.

    Seeing people say ‘these types of clubs’ makes me wonder if their personal bias is overwhelming their understanding of the Constitution and laws of the land. When we want our bias to overwhelm our Constitutional rights we proceed on a downward slope.

    People, relax. If it proves to be a problem it will go away on it’s own account. People won’t go there and it will die. If it is a legitimate business that fills a need in the community and the community supports it with money then it will survive.

    What you should be concerned about is why the business growth in Vicksburg appears to be casinos and nightclubs and not Christian Bookstores. Take a look at yourself Vicksburg.

  19. the flyer says Official after hours spot for the grown and sexy. “VIP rooms available”. Did anyone else read that small print or is my mind in the gutter???

  20. Just Sayin, are you new to Vicksburg? If so, you need to read back issues of the Post and count the number of murders that have occurred in just the past five or six years at or because of clubs just like Club XXL. If not, have you a short memory? As to allowing opening to 4AM, no, I am almost positive they cannot legally do so and comply with Vicksburg’s ordinances – unless they have resort status – which they do not. I am 90%sure the city will not allow this club to open, and certainly will not allow any crowds milling in the streets. If these folks want a strip joint/whorehouse, they should find a quiet spot in another state and go to it.

  21. Amen Bert!!!! You said it all!!!!

  22. I think the historic district ends a block farther South down Washington Street, so it appears that it is in the historic district.

  23. JP a VIP room is an area where important people, or people who pay enough money, can be separate from the crowd. It looks to me like it will be crowded too.

    Bert I have been in Vicksburg the past five or six years to see the problems that a club can cause. That is why I said if that club is a problem it will go away. With all the positive development in Vicksburg do you honestly believe the city or the police will allow a strip club to open? Look at the add. It is not a strip club, it is a nightclub. There’s a difference.

    If you want to make a difference open a movie theater, or someplace for the kids to go. Complaining about perceived problems from what appears to be a well organized and well funded business venture is not the answer my friend. I will say it again just for emphasis. If it is a problem it will go away on it’s own. If it is supported by the community via their dollars it will thrive and grow.

    What you should be concerned about is why the business growth in Vicksburg appears to be casinos and nightclubs and not Christian Bookstores. Take a look at yourself Vicksburg.

    Bert. Why is it that all the Christian Bookstores are closed while we are opening a new casino, Ameristar is spending 100 million on an expansion and nightclubs are opening up?

    Interesting question don’t you think?

  24. Why hasn’t the Vicksburg Post bring the new club to light? Whose responisble for it?

  25. Maybe it is not an issue Chuck. Maybe they (the Post) are busy resporting on real news.

  26. Chuck, would you like to be my date next saturday night and we can check it out?

  27. VIP rooms? Thats where you go for the blowjobs!

    Besides the issue with opening a late night club across the street from peoples homes, and operating an obvious front for drug sales and prostitution, I say let it ride. Its a free country, and anyway, someone will get shot or stabbed within a few months and the place will get shut down.

    “It is not a strip club, it is a nightclub.”

    Thats got to be the most naive statement so far. If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig…

  28. What is wrong with you people in this small little town. Don’t you know the difference from a strip club and a night club? there is a very big difference. A VIP room is to relax and chill out with your friends for good conversation between dancing and mingling with the crowd at XXL. There are only a few clubs in this town, and as far as I can see they offer the same things, DANCING AND GOOD MUSIC. The graphic artist who designed the flyers has excellent taste for the arts. What’s the difference between the flyers and looking at an edition of sports illustrated swim suit issue???
    Come on people open your extremely very narrow little minds. Or the next time your significant other is dressed scantly DON’T LOOK. If you don’t like good music and dancing JUST DON’T ATTENT THE CLUB. Let’s get a public forum going and debate!

  29. Wow, biased much?

    Welfare Deadbeat, you seem to know a lot about VIP rooms…and the drug trade.

    Is this a drug den and house of prostitution now too?

    Racism lives in Vicksburg, Mississippi, who knew.

    If it looks like a racist and smells like a racist…

  30. Unlike some people I went to the location listed. Club XXL is not the name of the business at that location but the name of the organization that had the party. Hahaha. after reading the debate hear i found some of you extremely humorious. For instance a “VIP Room Thats where you go for the blowjobs!”There where no blow jobs given. There were VIP room which operate as follows Very Important People or people that can afford it rent a seggregated area so them a there personal guess can relax with out the worry of being in a big crowded area with loud music blaring in there ear. the VIP rooms were quite comfortable as I could talk without yelling into the other persons ear and well worth the money.There were no strippers so this was a misconception also. I recieved the flyer it didnt say anything about strippers. There was a sexy female on it but she had nothing showing that isnt displayed every day during my walk through Walmart. Peoples fear of the unknown will take them strange places. Anyway, the establishment was ran very well and does have a license to operate (I Checked). unlike the other establishements in Vicksburg they maintained order as soon as you enter the parkinglot they did not allow people to sit on the parkinglot or “mill around” as it was put. we were searched twice once before enter then we walked through a airport metal detector I doubt highly that there will be a stabbing or shooting as someone suggested(I felt very Comfortable). The owner seem to care about the type of customer they allow in the building and they were very hands on. They had people sign in and show Identification there was no alcohol being served which was so different from a night club( which it is not. Its a Entertainment Center). They had all of the favorite beverage Coca cola , Pepsi etc the party was just that a party. People had fun danced and left peacfully no loitering or milling around the parkinglot. I live in the neighborhood too and I think Its something that is needed in the community and is obviously supported by the community via the number of person that showed up for the event. Speaking of the event The wet and wild t shirt contest Hahahahah this is a on going joke in the community you didnt get it but there target audience did its a dance contest where people dance until they sweat the person that dances the hardest and does the most original moves wins.It was highly entertaining. when I read the comments posted here I was expecting something totally different than what was said here maybe you guys are out of the loop. Maybe you should talk to someone 30 years younger than yourself. I enjoyed myself and would go again but next time I’ll use bengay before I go. I investigated it myself. Now I wonder why such negative things be posted? Sounds bias to me.


  32. I just checked too 5 A’s has is not listed for this location is this person trying to ruin someones good name? anon you should be ashamed of your self. the good rev. Dabney you should be ashamed as well.dont pre judge its not good for anyone including your self.

  33. “Thank you to all of the kind people with open minds. God be with us all!”

  34. Racism? Who said anything about race? Do I know something about VIP rooms? I have, in my day, been in a couple of strip clubs, and the VIP rooms are there for “private entertainment”. As far as the drug trade goes, I have never, and will never, use illegal drugs. But you can see signs of the trade all over this town. You know, the guys hanging out in the front yard on the phone all day while cars drive by every so often. Or the guy hanging out on a corner on Washington St ALL DAY long in 90+ degree heat.

    As far as the “graphic artist who designed the flyers has excellent taste for the arts.” You are kidding right? A black background with white letters and a hoochie in a bikini DOES NOT MAKE ART.

    It is good news that there seems to be good security, as reported by THE DOCTOR. The only way to keep a place open is to keep it clean otherwise it will go the same way that every other nightclub or lounge has gone in this town.

  35. Go to and enter the address and vicksburg ms. The 9th listing down the page shows the plumbing co at that address. A few days ago, it was much higher up on the page until this website’s postings went into the google search. I did not make it up. Also, I saved a screen shot of it in case someone thinks I did. You can easily verify this for yourself.

  36. There is no shame in speaking one’s mind, and based upon what was supplied it does not appear to be a wholesome type of business adventure. We have enough degradation in the city what with the casinos etc. I for one, do not think we need to add to it. If it is not as has been described then so be it. I have no problem with anyone having a decent night out. My concern like many others has to do with the level of peace/violence within this city irregardless of who is doing it.

  37. Racism will continue to live on here Won’t it?. It would not have mattered to me if it were a white club xxl. Same intent and purpose, we do not need it here in town. Bottom line.

  38. The rhetoric on this thread has become rather tasteless. Please avoid personal attacks, charges of racism, and use of racist terms against others. If such continues, the offending parties will no longer be allowed to post.

    Vicksburg Speaks

  39. My comments stand as written.

  40. JP what do we need since you seem to be the authority on what Vicksburg needs. If it not better schools, better housing, more jobs that arent service related and a better overall quality of life then what? Attacking this business is not going to improve any of that. As far as I can see they have done nothing wrong, immoral or illegal if they have please specify. That is my challenge to you.
    Racism will always be a part of the American Fabric that doesnt mean we shouldnt fight against it at every chance we get.Or for that point call it out when you see it thats the problem here everyone including african Americans are affraid to call it out when they see it . I say if you see it CALL IT OUT LOUD!!!!!SO EVERYONE WILL KNOW THATS HOW YOU KILL RACISM. NO ONE WANTS TO BE LABELED A RACIST. shame on Vicksburg Speaks for sensorship I thought this was a open forum.

  41. Vicksburg speaks said nothing when the subject of BLOW JOBS came up. how tasteless was that?

  42. Malcolm, we can throw about slanderous talk about blowjobs but not credible cries of racism?

  43. We’re adults – we can talk about racism and blowjobs all you want. But we all need to communicate our opinions and recommendations without attacking anyone personally.

  44. Maybe it would be a good time to scroll back a few months to see who’s comments have racial overtones.

    Sometimes the truth hurts the worst.

  45. I agree with you misty 100%.
    But, let us get back on track to the issue at hand. This is about a flyer that was generated to advertise fun, dancing and good music to the community. Some of us like to party on occasion, if that isn’t your thang then just don’t attend club XXL.I’ll tell you again take a look at sports illustrated swim suit issue, any fredericks of hollywood magazine they sell under garments and such, any typical fashion magazine etc…. I don’t think race is an issue here, but freedom of expression is. Being able to read between the lines, the flyer does no say strip club! Who cares is the back ground of the flyer was black with white writing, doesn’t matter it attracted alot of attention as a place to come to and have fun. NARROW MINDED PEOPLE, GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER LOOSEN UP YOU NEED TO HAVE A LITTLE FUN ONCE IN-A-WHILE. If you can’t dance, no problem learn the latest dance moves, or just sit back and relax in the VIP room with a soda and a bag of chips. I didn’t have a problem when I visited XXL.

  46. Yesterday’s Post Crime Report headlined a 2:47AM Sunday morning shooting on Speed Street that left two injured, one critically. The shooting followed a fight involving several people at the intersection of Speed and Hunt Streets… right behind Club XXL.

  47. That had nothing to do with XXL party location. That has something to do with crime in the area in general are you say that it has something to do with XXL? By the way did you know that XXL has recently had parties at the City Auditorium? So everything that happens there or close to there should be attributed to them as well.

  48. Enough said!!!!!

  49. I live on speed St we saw this coming long before this location opened That incident had nothing to do with the entertainment center or Club XXL on Washington St.This place seem to be ok and from what I hear its positive for the community.

  50. The issue is that these people do not have a permit to operate under these false pretenses. The flier was picked up in a convenience store in Edwards. It looks as though they were trying to be discrete about this so called party. As a tax paying citizen, I don’t want this sort of thing going on right down the street from my home. Maybe the doctor should relocate to Las Vegas if he fancies a good strip club.

  51. The young man that was shot in the chest this past saturday evening on Speed Street is in the hospital in Jackson on life support. His chest is full of buck-shot. Each time they try to take him off life support to do surgery he goes into cardiac arrest. He is too weak right now for surgery.

    He was sitting on his porch this past saturday evening visiting his uncle. I spoke with his family today. His grandmother was the one that found him and she is having a tought time with all of this. The incident WAS NOT related to the XXL Club, nor was it directed to this young man. Unfortunately we are not all fortunate to live in a safe part of town.

    Please pray for this young man, his grandmother, his family, and us all.

    Stop the violence and stop biggotry!

  52. Kathy, “THESE PEOPLE?”

  53. This is quote from The Mayor someone I would never vote for but it rings so true:

    “This site could be a free press concept but should insist on factual verified information and then tolerate and encourage all opinions. What good is it when absolute lies are stated and then to have dialogue around incorrect information? Entertainment?

    I sure would like to hear from this community to insure that they are well represented. But your forum is flawed and is distructive because it promotes and perpetuates non truths simply to accomplish what?”

    This has become a on going theme for this site and I couldnt agree more.


    Lets pray for the young man that was shot he’ll need all of us!

  54. The young man is in our prayers. I think the main thing is that we do not want any type of club or business in this neighborhood that may add to the already problem of crime we have here..there are many children and older people who live in this area and their safety and welfare should come first..Somehow the violence has to stop.
    Some of us have lived here for many years and if you have , you will remember how bad it was at one time. We do not want that ever again.
    We should work together to make thing safe and not tolerate any crime or wrong doing.So how do we begin together to make things better. The sensless shootings have to stop.

  55. These people.

    Sounds to me like Wilisa and Concerned are grasping straws looking for racism. Wilisa and Concerned there’s enough credible bias in this thread, you don’t have to go and create more.

    These people has more meaning than just a racial one. It also refer to a group of people…just sayin.

  56. Have you thought that maybe this club is a place and a way for people in this area to meet and people with conflicts to find peace? No alcohol provided. Just clean fun. Do they need to call it a church social for it to be accepted?

  57. Correction: Do “these people” need to call it a church social for it to be accepted?

  58. I’d like someone associated with the new club to clarify if alcohol is served, or allowed at that location.

    Also I would like to hear a clarification on why they chose to use the overtly sexual type of marketing used in the flier. The wet T-shirt contest implied in the flier conjured up a strong image in the mind of the reader. The actual wet T-shirt contest, according to one of the posters herein was much different.

    From the outside looking in the flier implied bare breast under a wet (see through) T-shirt and private rooms where discreet activity would be allowed.

    Perhaps a contingent of Vicksburg Speaks readers should visit the club and get a first hand view of the events at the club.

    So, club owners, why this strategy?

  59. It’s always got to be turned into a racially charged issue, doesn’t it? Well, let me tell you something. I don’t care what color they are. The point is, I don’t want a strip club down the street.

  60. No one does. What is your objection to this club?

  61. Kathy, I invited Chuck and received no reply. Would you like to meet me there saturday night? Chuck, the invitation is still open.

  62. I personally know the person who has that spot occupied and he is just another African American who is trying to make a living. Give up and let Vicksburg expand. Remember it is a new era and peoples activities change throughout the decades. So be open minded and let Vicksburg be known whether it is giving blow jobs or anything. Keep your head up Dr. Feel Good!!!!!

  63. Yeah! seeng that now we know its not a strip club whats your objection.
    The following facts have come out:
    1). No alcohol is being served.
    2). They are operating within the law.
    3).There are no strippers at this location and there never has been.Thus not a immoral enterprize.
    4).The building and parkinglot is secure for all patrons(no standing around or hanging out in the parkinglot.
    5. The shooting incident on Speed St had nothing to do with this location.
    6).The locations name is not CLUB XXL. Club XXL is the name of the group of people that had the party at the location.
    7).Its not a front for “obvious drug sales and prostitution”.

    If there is anything unaddressed by the public here in this forum that bothers you about the location what is it? Please leave a detailed blog.

  64. The flyer did not represent good clean fun, it promoted a more racy wild party of sorts.
    The place is suppose to be for teenagers . no alcohol etc A place for the young people. to shoot pool or dance whatever. but not what was promoted. .

  65. The place is not exclusively for teenages its for people of all ages before 12 midnight person younger than the age of 18 are allowed in the center for entertainment purposes. After midnight adults can use the building for entertainment. After midnight there is still no alcohol served and none allowed in the building, All are expelled from the premises including the parkinglot. This is 1st hand information from a customer.I have actually been in the place.

    I need to ask you a question about advertising . Is advertisment suppose to capture the imagination, get the target audiences attention and peak the target audiences interest in visiting the location? Do you think this advertisment worked.

    (note) Many people visited the center that night and they seemed to have a good time.

    please be honset was it the woman in the bikini that upset you. I’d like to point out a few things shes not exposing any genitilia and her breast are large but are covered in accordance with the law and she was do nothing provocative.

    “Racy wild party of sorts” Did the word wild in the title of the flyer make you thing it was going to be wild Party? When you say “racy” what exactly do you mean? Could explain exactly what you mean by the word “sorts”.

    Please explain I just want to no your thinking pattern when you saw the flyer. And this goes back to all the comments that were made previously. I want to understand what going in the mind of someone that is obviously from a different ethnic and cultural background than most of the people that attended or have defended this location on this page.

    Please be detailed in your answer I think we all need to know.

  66. Once again I will say, I appreciate and thank all with open minds and forward thinking. It is a lesson for us all. In addition, Malcolm, I hope the inspirational words of B.B.King were heard and understood last night as well.

  67. Yes, indeedy. I love the ladies, too.

  68. I as a Afican American Woman didnt necessarily find this flyer offensive if thats what your getting at.I want to know what she thought as well is she going to answer this is a cultural lesson for all of us.The flyer did get my attention and it made me think it was going to be a very lively party.To be honest it made want to go.So I called three of my girlfriend but they couldnt make it.

  69. I posted the comment above on a public computer someone elses name popped up.


  70. I talked to knowledgeable people in the city administration; this is what they told me:

    As soon as they found out about the planned party, they called the owner of the building, and met with him. Within 6 hours the party was cancelled. The owner was mad, but the city insisted, particularly when they found that the party was BYOB. As an aside, they said that the this type establishment could stay open after 2AM as long as no liquor was on premises. So, the party is cancelled, and others like it where liquor is on premises will not be tolerated.

    These are not my words, but those of prominent city officials.






  73. In the meantime, the young man that was shot in the chest last saturday night on Speed Street (“and is not related to the club”) is still in the hospital on life support. I bring this up because someone blamed the club AND not only did his grandmother find him, she has since had a heart attack over the stress while she was in his hospital room. She is not doing well at all. I spoke with a family member that is concerned their family is falling apart.

    What are we going to do to unite our community? It’s obvious what we’re doing to divide.

  74. I don’t know why a “smile” popped up on the blog in place of “)”

  75. I can’t wait to take pictures in front all that money! Big jam going on this Thursday night. I think everybody there is going to be somebody!!!!

  76. this place is jamin every week dj is off the hook . just what vicksburg needed.something different that for bring us into the new millenium ClubXXL.

  77. this place is jamin every week dj is off the hook . just what vicksburg needed.something different. thanks for bring us into the new millenium Club XXL.

  78. Did anyone see there is a bikini clad woman on the FRONT PAGE of the Vicksburg Post(VP) today. everyone that was kicking and screming hear should be protesting in front of VP she showing more than the flyer posted at the top of this we hear anyone………… NO!people are so 1800 here in Vicksburg. I have an announcement to make. Its 2008 there nothing immoral or about a woman in a bathing suit . The shock value went out just after the 1st couple of Sears Catalogs came out (early 1900. everbody get a firm grip this wont be the last fler of this type found at an Edwards store. as a former resident of Los Vegas. I can tell you this is nothing but a publicity stunt and you all bit into it. Dont you feel stupid?

  79. Wendy,
    If you lived in Las Vegas, you should know how to spell it. Don’t you think?

  80. OK for the record, this is vicksburgs so any civilian should not be removedu or blocked for having thier own opinion “vicksburg speaks” duh……….that also can result in a law suit. AS LONG AS THE CLUB ISNT TAKING LIVES OF INNOCENTS THERE SHOULD BE NO HATING OR DESCRIMINATION DO TO COLOR AND RACE….cuz you know thats what its about. This is a repulsive descritption of the club……it is not what you think its only for kids 21 and younger i am a all a student at warren central high and every now and then someone loves a place to relax and party without being shot at or fights and this is the place there are many securities and most of you RED NECKS are the ones who have something to say and you NEVER EVEN BEEN THERE there is no strip clubs and ect available to any minors in that club its only for teens and you should be ashamed of yourselves of leing that is called liable and you could also get a lawsuit for that you are slandering good ppl names and its not right…….and if this really is vicksburg speaks this should stay on the website and not be erased JUST LIKE A SERIES OF OTHER EXPRESSIONS BY AFRICAN AMERICANS HAVE BEEN how much more ignorant and prejudice can vicksburg get…………ALOT

  81. Ive been getting into nightclubs in and around vicksburg since i was around 12 years old. When i was younger i used to just go to sit, sometimes with my parents for food and live music (and i was a little pervert so i got off on being kissed on by older women). RIP Backstreet BBQ. Anyway. I read all the posts and to all the people who tried to act like the XXL was some nice place for kids to hang out is full of it. Ive been in almost every black or white club in this town over the years and spent several nights in the nightclubs where black friends of mine were murdered. I knew David RIP and Danny Woodland and others who fell victim to the violence of these nightclubs. Im as open minded as they get but im not embarassed to admit what goes on inside and outside of these clubs. So Club XXL didnt allow alcohol in the premises. Ive pulled up on the parking lot and sat with some of my homeboys and smoked some weed. thats what we almost all do at Shake Junts in the south. I can quote you lyrics from a hundred songs about nightclub activity in the south. People go out to drink, fight, get blowjobs, smoke weed, play dress up and spend money to cure the boredom of rural life. It is what it is. No need to lie about it. Im in local bars all the time and still will be. Im involved in the music scene and have been since i was a teenager. The issue isnt really even the weed, beer, or lust. Its the violence that goes hand in hand with the partying. Ive been in bar brawls. I lost friends to the violence and the substance abuse. The day i lie and try to act like its a wholesome environment is the day i shut my mouth and put down my microphone. Clubs are gonna open and clubs are gonna close. If a club can keep its patrons secure then i dont see why they cant operate if they have their permits. I used to moonlight as a DJ in vicksburg as well and i know the music. Its all about murder, selling dope, and disrespecting women of all races. Its no big secret that the majority of the youth in Vicksburg are drug abusers. Weed, Ecstasy, Oxycontin, Cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol. Its all at your disposal. And for that matter it always has been since our parents were young. Drug culture is as much a part of vicksburg as any other part is.

    I saw the fliers for XXL and passed it on the nights they hosted parties. i never went because i knew the parties would be weak as hell anyway, Vicksburg versions of what goes on in Jackson. Some Dj Doctor feel good playing Cdr discs or his itunes playlist. that aint deejayin. Plus who the hell wants to go to a coke party. get a license for beer and maybe a real dj and your party might pop off.

    seriously though. No reason to get upset with that little rinky dink club anyways because it wasnt hittin on nothing.

    its sad David had to lose his life in front of that wanksta club.

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  83. […] Club XXL – 2321 Washington St., Vicksburg, MS […]

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