America is trying to operate on a failed business model

The financial crisis currently facing the USA is just a pimple to what our children and grandchildren are facing.  The video linked below, IOUSA, is a prophetic message for the 21st century:

Published in: on January 1, 2009 at 9:54 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. There seems no end to the concept of “trust me” government. We have two political parties which are more interested in gaining power than in doing what is in the overall best interests of the country. Both of them are guilty of budget-busting, so neither can point the finger at the other and cry foul when the other raises the cost and scope of government.

    Republicans voted to perpetuate the nanny state which the Democrats created. Tax cuts without spending reductions only increases the amount of debt the country owes and not to ourselves, but to those foreign interests who are purchasing it.

    Frankly all this debt and spending will eventually lead to default and repudiation, but not before we begin to sink into a sea of hyper-inflated dollars.

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